(formerly known as Envision)
Galantom - Donate your birthday
Opportunity is a platform that brings together many NGOs from different areas including health, environment, education, arts & crafts and society. One of the most dynamic initiatives they have is ”Donate your birthday”, in which you can become a fundraiser for one of the causes on Galantom, by donating your birthday / name day and ask your friends to say Happy Birthday to you by donating to your cause, instead of buying gifts.
Strategy and implementation
Our idea started from the fact that even if it's your birthday and you are enjoying that day, a lot of bad things happen around you (accidents, violence against women, kids that cannot go to school because they are poor,etc.) and we wanted to make people aware that they can use the joy and the opportunity of their birthdays to help the ones in need.
Your birthday can rewrite the story!
We took 9 core social causes listed in the Galantom platform and together with a central birthday scene, we created a Bosch like fresco in which we portrayed the Romanian reality. The main objective of the execution was to showcase the fact that even if it's your birthday and you are enjoying that day, a lot of bad things happen around and you can use the opportunity to help the ones in need.
Starting from the fresco, we developed important communication assets such as a digital video that was later broadcasted for free by the biggest TV station (PROTV) The video told people they could still celebrate their birthdays in lockdown, but in a different way, in a kind way, gathering all their friends around to change the painting we are all living in today and #rewritethestory of Romanian reality.
Every part of the painting became a video ad or an Insta story for its dedicated cause. We engaged influencers to donate their birthdays and to inspire their community to do the same and we also went to several publications to walk the talk about our initiative so we can reach to as many people as we could.
We worked with Recorder and created a video in which we showed the public how important their birthday donations are.
The website was not only a display of the painting to travel within. It was also engaging the birthday donors to see how their donation changes a story instantly. In the middle of the website there is a search bar. There, one can introduce the exact date of their birthdays and the search generates 10 negative news that occurred on that specific date, the year before. Once the person donates his/her birthday, a negative news disappears and instead of it, the person receives a piece of news rewritten in a positive way. This activation was also promoted in Social Media under #rewritethestory.
We also partnered up with several writers and asked them to run a contest on their Facebook page, challenging their community to rewrite in a positive note a fragment of a sad story written by them. Ziarul Metropolis helped us promote all stories rewritten by fans.
• 1278 – total fundraising pages created ( 97,53% increase vs. previous year, same period)
• 723 - fundraising pages created and with already registered donations ( 68.14% increase vs. previous year, same period)
• 901.189 lei – total value of donations (81.52% increase vs previous year, same period)
• 7887 - donations (70.44% increase vs previous year, same period)
Social Media
• FB ads & posts
• 1.978.021 impressions
• 391.351 reach
• 377.308 engagement
• Activation writers (Ivcelnaiv, Ana Maria Sandu, Dan Lungu, Diana Badica) & VIPs that endorsed the project by donating their birthday (Bromania, Catalina Grama-Jojo, Doru Trascau, Oana Pellea, Elena Lasconi, Sebastian Cotofana, Ilinca Vandici, Andreea Balan, Mirela Retegan, Dalma Kovacs, Liana Stanciu, Cristian Hurbaru, Lucian Popescu,Nora Dinca, etc.)
• more than 800,000 social media reach and more than 9,300 engagement
Video Recorder
• FB impressions: 419.984
• FB engaged user: 17.767
• YT views : 56.630 ( the average watch time was of 2’55”, being more that you could expect for a video)
Media articles
• more than 1 million media reach